On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:47:31 -0400 Yaroslav Halchenko
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

yes - it's the FDO notification protocol via dbus. there's a module for e (the
notification module) that can handle this. :) this is your generic "i am some
process with our without a gui, but i want to notify the user of something"

the gsm one above - though related has the option of just directly doing this
as it itself can do it as it already is part of the same gui... :) just a
question of a few function calls.

no notification module in asu currently. can always be added (likely needs some
love and attention ui-wise to work a bit better on the FR screen like theme
attention and maybe a little code).

> Please pardon my ignorance but since
> > one, but it won't match the theme. as any form of popup was not specified in
> > ASU's design - i pretty much have no nice and easy support for it. :( 
> I will elaborate a bit although once again please pardon my ignorance
> since I've never developed such app, no looked into the existing
> implementations, but I see quite a few use cases.
> Shouldn't there be a typical MVC-design application which takes
> care about notifications?  Probably by receiving them via dbus
> (C(ontroller) part should take care).
> V(iews) could be different -- from the basic home screen (list of apps
> is imho not a home screen at all) alike in any normal phone or qtopia or
> 2007.2, to a short-lived pop-up appearing on a screen for few
> (configured) seconds. Any family of notifications should get
> a life-span (persistent or one-time).
> I see quite a few use cases and few kinds of such notifications
> Persistent ones -- which are visible until 'confirmed to be seen' by the
> 'responsible' app:
> 1. missed calls
> 2. voice mail
> 3. new mail
> 4. low battery
> 5. lost GPS signal
> 6. current GPS provider
> 7. Birthdays within next week
> ...
> Those are cleared out by the corresponding application itself (via
> additional message to the controller)
> Spontaneous (visible for a limited pre-configured time only)
> 1. battery is fully charged or almost fully drained
> 2. someone clicked on smth to know about smth (like in the original
> email)
> 3. is 1 mile away from pizzeria
> 4. GPS/WiFi/GSM/Accelerometers/Bluetooth was turned off/on
> M(odel) here consists pretty much of different kinds of notifications
> known, actions to be taken when clicked, optional expiration date, etc
> I wonder how it was designed in 2007.2 since it at least looks like it
> was closer to this idea, and it seems that it is one of the 'phone must
> have' features.
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:07:09 +0200 Thomas Köckerbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > babbled:
> > let me take a look. yes - you can do popups. though there is no theme or
> > "standard popup layout" - you can always do your own or recycle an existing
> > one, but it won't match the theme. as any form of popup was not specified in
> > ASU's design - i pretty much have no nice and easy support for it. :( what
> > is useful here is the code patches to get the nuts and bolts data. good
> > work! i need to merge this and the FSO dbus support patches. i'll look at
> > yours today and deal with the FSO ones from stefan now that i have
> > dictionary lookup/correction support back in illume's keyboard. (though
> > need to build an image and test...)
> -- 
>                                   .-.
> =------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
> Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
> Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
>                    Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]
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Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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