On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:57, Alexander Frøyseth
> Thank you for the review of Qtopia :)
> I have decided to use the Qtopia image primary.
> So it works perfect as a phone :)
> How about the mediaplayer, GPS, WiFi and webbrowser?

* mediaplayer, I did not use it much yet... just tried 2 mp3... one
didn't read (but was a bit "special"... I took what I had at the
moment) though it is read by 2007.2 mediaplayer.
The other worked fine. Playing with sound volume during call works but
is not so intuitive (should be very easy for such an important feature
for a sound player)

* Wifi : not much success. There is a configuration application quite
complete but it still need a little polish. WPA access did not work,
and I think DNS config via DHCP (when on unencrypted wifi) didn't
either, but since WPA was not ok, I did not test much.
So encryption support needs to be activated/configured. But
configuration app already is ready for it.

* Bluetooth works, was able to pair with devices and also send/receive
files (pictures...) with no trouble.

 * Webbrowser : no app available either :-(

 * Application packages can easily be installed via a feed (but very
few apps available). (There is a GUI manager for this)

 * Messages / calendar is not too bad, and rather complete.
Configurable for IMAP / POP, .... (but for now I miss gmail synchro
since encryption is not correctly handled).
I would like an easy way to synchronize to gcalendar too... (I think I
could manually import a Vcal entry -not sure-, but I need simple
online synchro)
I also miss MMS but it is because of WAP stack missing for neo...
qtopia appli is ready for it.

I hope coming version 4.4 will bring improvements. Should allow to
have browser and GPS apps...

** What I appreciate a lot is that there is GUI apps for configuration
of all of this (even if all is not working well yet) : bluetooth,
wifi, gsm network (properties / selection / prefered), ...
(I would have like 2008.8 start with complete Qtopia -but on X11-, and
only when available / user chosen, switch some parts to other applis).
Also for ex. home page wallpaper can be very easily chosen via config
application. And it looks nice (even more since it is now a picture of
my daughter !).

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