On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 07:34 +0200, Michael Münch wrote:
> The tangogps.deb in the repository tries to read the gps data from  
> gpsd. Is there a updated .deb somewhere available, that works with FSO?

You best do:
apt-get remove gypsy (or whatever is running there)
apt-get install gpsd

It is a feature of tangoGPS that you can simply connect to any other gps
in the config tab.

This is useful if:

      * you have tangoGPS running on your laptop and you want to use
        your Neo or your Nokia N810 as GPS device. Whether you are
        connected via USB, wifi or bluetooth, you simply have to go to
        the config tab and put in the IP address of the Neo. That's it.
        You can try it yourself right now with

      * you want to follow another Neo in real time "James Bond"-style:
        just put in the IP of the other Neo. With GPRS prices dropping
        this is just cool fun. In case you are behind a firewall, you
        just need a one-liner to set up the tunneling.

      * you want to run other gps applications in parallel (gpsdrive,

Most gps software currently available uses gpsd. The way that FSO has
patched tangoGPS breaks part of its functionality and causes lots of
additional support work for tangoGPS.

The right thing to do instead of patching tangoGPS is to patch gypsy.
This would allow backward compatibility with any other gps application
out there and fix at least some of the design flaws of gypsy.

Best regards,

 - Marcus Bauer
 -- Lead Architect & Developer of tangoGPS

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