Dear Dolfje,

  It looks like on August 20th, near midnight, your bot escaped and went wild 
with categories list and added langage suffixes. Example:

# Applications (99 members)
# Applications/de (6 members)
# Applications/it (13 members)
# Applications/nl (1 member)
# Applications/ru (1 member)
# Applications/zh cn (2 members)
# Applications/zh tw (1 member)

 Is it as obvious for you as for me that it's better to revert ?

Minh HA-DUONG                                    Chargé de recherche CNRS
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  CIRED, Campus du Jardin Tropical
tel: +33 1 43 94 73 81                   45bis ave. de la Belle Gabrielle
fax: +33 1 43 94 73 70                    F94736 Nogent-sur-Marne, France
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