On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 16:46, Nishit Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been doing the following (same command, different directory location)
> export DISPLAY=:0
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qtopia/lib /opt/Qtopia/bin/addressbook
> /home/root/addressbook.vcf
> The problem I have is that I have to issue the second command for each VCF
> file in my exported contacts folder.  Is this the only way, or can all VCF
> files be imported all at once?  I have hundreds of them, so this is very
> important.

I did this with 2008.8 by exporting all my contacts in one big vcf file.

I had two problems, the first one is that in the vcf exported by
evolution, there was more than one type on some phone numbers (for
example "HOME,VOICE").
The second problem was that the character encoding was not the good one.
So with one shell line I solved those two problems :

sed -r -e 's/;TYPE=([^,]+),[^;]+;/;TYPE=\1;/g' | iconv -t 'ascii//TRANSLIT'

Damien Thebault

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