On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Marek Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 26. August 2008 16:31:45 Jelle De Loecker wrote:
>> Well, look at those filenames: 20080826-asu-stable-rootfs.jffs2
>> <http://downloads.openmoko.org/releases/Om2008.8-update/20080826-asu-stable
>>-rootfs.jffs2> It's a filename which actually makes sense!
>> Anyhow, I installed the 20080808 image a few days ago and upgraded with
>> Zecke's repository and my phone is running really smooth, I'm afraid to
>> make any changes to it. I don't even dare to do an opkg upgrade! :)
> This is the official update for ASU (including Holgers fixes). An announcement
> and install instruction will follow soon.
> Marek
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I haven't tested the gsm part or suspend/resume and sound, quick glance:
diversity wifi still doesn't work,
the spanner/wrench icon is still not there (change to single tap to
launch apps, set frame rate, set height of top bar/icons...)
standard there is only the very unhandy keyboard (for terminal use,
writing in non-English languages, writing names...)
couldn't find an easy way to enable full qwerty (because it seemed
that the Full-Qwerty.kbd file is not included in this release!!
scrolling seems slower than it used to be a month ago with the ASU (subjective)
by installing mofi you can get a gui to use wifi (WPA2 tested and it worked)
still a lot of wrong *.desktop files, even when installing from the
installer (for example the qtopia clock app)

Seriously, I appreciate all your efforts, but some things I just can't grasp:
Why would any sane man remove items that provide useful functionality
(the wrench, full qwerty) without providing an alternative??
You guys know a lot of us want the full qwerty, and there are already
very nice implementations (look at the raster-image) and you guys know
that we will try to get it back; why not give us the choice?? The
button to toggle from the original keyboard to the full qwerty one was
perfect. Or just add an way to install it through the installer. Just
like you know we want a terminal, and have added that to the

Things like setting double click, top-bar size, icons in top-bar size,
frame rate, full qwerty are all very useful things to me/us.

Once there is a simple and straightforward way to enable the full
qwerty and the spanner and all the rest I can understand you don't
want some of these things by default. But why do you guys remove
functionality without providing a way to re-enable it? It's not like
it's hard to do since the spanner was already present before 2008.8
and the keyboards are in rasters image....

One last note: since double tap is not possible, it is very annoying
that the installer bar is always visible and taking up so much screen
real estate, but that's just my opinion, I don't know if a lot of
people find this annoying too.

Keep up the good work!

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