I've just put my hands on the new shiny (GTA02) and been trying to set it up in 
a workable manner.
So far so good - GPS tested, wifi has a startup script, I can connect (as 
usually with desktops) to a remote host to run common apps on it (i.e. instant 
messenger, Firefox).

Everything seems to be working fine, except of the GTK applications. They all 
have oversized fonts, taking up a significant part of the screen without a good 
reason. The scrollbars seem to be the same on a pixel-per-pixel basis as on big 
Firefox's rendering pages well, but the UI elements suffer the same problem.

I've tried to make this go away by creating an entry in gconf: 
/desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi, but it didn't seem to change anything.
The X server reports a normal (small) resolution.

Or maybe I'm missing the fact that those fonts are already scaled?

How do I change the DPI so that any GTK X client knows what is right for me?

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