I did nothing special. I just installed the version in the debian
repositories (scummvm_0.11.1-1_armel.deb) with all dependencies (which
were solved automatically when installing).
After that i can start it without problems, except the screen rotation
I tested to change the layout back to classic (with config file entry)
which makes more buttons visible but not all. :/


Christian Adams wrote:
> .. could you tell us - who did not succeed in this yet - how you got  
> it running? ;)
> regards, morlac
> Am 31.08.2008 um 12:00 schrieb Fox Mulder:
>> I got scummvm running, but it is not usable at all because the screen
>> rotation doesn't work on-the-fly right now with xfce.
>> So the window is much too wide and i can't see the buttons at the  
>> right
>> end. :/
>> Ciao,
>>     Rainer
>> Christian Adams wrote:
>>> moinmoin
>>> someone got scummvm on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to run?
>>> trying to start, process seems to run, but nothing happens - no
>>> window, no error .. nothing
>>> would love to hear some ideas on this .. playing monkey island again
>>> on fr would rock!
>>> regards, morlac

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