Quake for iPhone has a nice overlay which would be handy to see on the 
Freerunner [1]. Good work nonetheless guys! And some kind of way to 
reset "stationary" would be nice - say if you were playing lying down in 


1. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3208/2705807230_2ea90c5009.jpg?v=0

SCarlson wrote:
>  I've just witnessed DOOM on my Freerunner. I spent a few hours this evening
> compiling a SDL port for DOOM, it let me tell you it looks great. I'd like
> to thank everyone involved for giving me the opportunity to exploit this
> machine (which is also a phone).
> I'll be working on a Acc. UI, similar to the Duke3d port. (Thanks to the
> person who ported Duke3d to inspire me today to do the same with DOOM, this
> just made my week)
> -Scott

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