Does anyone have an overlay or something that lets you install illume, 
frameworkd, etc?

On Monday 08 September 2008 20:59:22 Dennis.Yxun wrote:
> HI Devs:
>     As a die-hard Gentoo fans, I'd be happy to see someone
> deliver a Gentoo openmoko distribution which leverage the greatness of
> portage.
> Thank you, It's really great!
>    I'm downloading stage now, but due to my poor network,
> the download speed is quite low, and It about takes me 5Ds to finish the
> stage1 tarball~
> so I'm thinking about build the system all by myself.
>    I've have some experience of setting up the cross-compiler tools in
> Gentoo,
> but find it's not easy to build the base system... I may try this later, and
> post here.
>     Proposal, Can we setup an openmoko-gentoo overlay, so people who are
> interested
> to this may build on it. And also people can contribute same ebuilds back.

Daniel Benoy

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