Hi there,
I've just moved to FDOM and I love it.

I have a few ideas to make it better - these aren't criticisms - it's 
great at the moment - these are just ideas to make it better - I don't 
expect anyone to agree about all of them, but these are suggestions...

# Midori(with the settings tweaked) is better for the screensize than 
minimo - I find it more usable

# accel-rotate program, or a way to start/stop it - this is a simple 
script to use the accelerometers to rotate with xrandr. It seems quite 
stable. An ipkg is available - http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Rotate

When I was running 22007.2, two cool programs I had from Angstrom were:

# Quasar - a x11 mplayer front end.
This is not perfect for the freerunner - it ideally needs some UI work 
doing (more than just setting tweaking), especially on it's fonts, 
however, i have launched mpg QVGA videos with it and watched them as 
well as listening to music with it.

# Claws Mail
A lightweight mail client - with a bit of UI tweaking from the view menu 
makes a completely usable mail client. Since we have qmail, I guess this 
is not necessary, but it's a thought.

# FBreader?
I would love to see an ebook reader but I think there are big dependency 
issues here :(

# Games
Personally, I would prefer to get rid of sudoku and to possibly to get 
kobodeluxe on there.
Though not ready yet, keeping an eye on 
http://projects.openmoko.org/projects/accelgame might be good.

# lint-wifi
Personally, I prefer lint-wifi to mofi. I really like being able to see 
the network info it displays (ie IP, DNS DDHCP) as it helps 
troubleshooting stuff when things dont work :P

# wpa_supplicant.conf
Possibly modify the default the wpa_supplicant.conf to automatically 
connect to unencrypted wifi hotspots? :-/

I can't help too much - my stupid OM setup script - (givemeteh)apppznow 
is pretty much obsolete as a result of FDOM :) so I will help in the 
ways I can. I have joined the development list and considering all the 
spare high speed bandwidth I have, I've set up a mirror - 

At some point soon I'll get rid of the 'a' in "fadom" :P

Cheers for the good work, keep it up! :D


If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us
still has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
has two ideas.   -  George Bernard Shaw

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