Detructor wrote:
> Why is there no distro with GPRS/WLAN support?
> After (dunno...5 or 6 months?) there is still no distro for the neo
> freerunner that has a GPRS/WLAN support, that works.
> yeah, you'll say "but there is the OM2008.x stuff" and I'll answer: it
> simple does not work! I mean...WLAN works only per editing config files
> (there is no working GUI for encrypted WEP WLANs) and've to
> disable your PIN...sorry, but I don't have that much money, to let
> someone steal my neo/SIM and use it to call his or her friends in china
> or somewhere else. So it simple does not work.
> Now you'll come with qtopia...and I'll say: yeah...errhm...there is a
> GUI (good) but it does not work, because the ppp module isn't builded
> into the kernel (mwester) and there is no kernel from nokia/trolltech
> yet (why?)

Because Qt Software doesn't do kernels. and I havent had time to work on GPRS.
Qt Extended wlan works without editing conf files, btw.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, Qt Software, Nokia Pty Ltd

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