tor 2008-10-09 klockan 01:19 +0100 skrev Rui Miguel Silva Seabra:
> PulseAudio 0.9.13 introduces
> support for Bluetooth audio devices


Very exciting. I've been using my SonyEricsson BT-headset for about 18
months using alsa's support for bluetooth and A2DP. With Ubuntu 8.04 the
quality (hifi) went down marginally (I haven't had the time to search on
how to increase sbc bitpool[0] (which is my guess on what happened)).

However, It's been working very well, even enabling me to actually use
the restrooms at work whithout having to pause/stop until I get back to
my desk. :)

However, the bluetooth adapter[1] I used with my previous laptop had
better performance (range, distance from headset to laptop) than the
builtin chip/stuff in my T61.


[0] This is from my .a2dprc file I used when I compiled alsa-bt stuff
myself (before Ubuntu 8.04):

# Allows to specify the sbc bitpool, this can help reducing bandwith
# 8 Allows to run on a 115200 bauds with corresponding quality ;)
# 64 needs USB or 921600 bauds
# Recommended value from Bluetooth spec. is 53

[1] lsusb says
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0a5c:200a Broadcom Corp. Bluetooth dongle

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