The "problems" mentioned are do they occur in both qtopia as in OM2008?

I understood that qtopia is more stable.

If this is true why no make it dual boot, as is possible. Boot up in
Qtopia when the phone has to be stable and when a problem is ok, boot up
in OM2008?

I'm going to order my Freerunner soon. I think in spite of it's problem
it's the best embedded product, with "total" freedom,  around right now.



xaos wrote:
> Qtextended is probably the most stable at this point, and that has
> it's caveats.
> Incoming calls are always registered as missed calls.
> Incoming calls are always answered as speakerphone, instead of
> handset. I'm not sure if there is a setting for it, but I haven't been
> able to find it. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd
> appreciate it as I hate having to remember to switch it to handset
> after I answer a call.
> Often, accessing the keyboard after a call starts is impossible, which
> makes it difficult when you have to navigate through a company VM
> menu. You can use the "Smart" theme which works a little better but
> you will need to use the stylus to access the .5" x .5" dialpad the
> comes up in a call.
> SMS messages received will often double themselves, or show five or
> six times the amount of new messages in the New Message alert.
> Select All->Move to Trash works sometimes, sometimes not, and it will
> often redownload them from the SMS server after the phone
> crashes/hangs/doesn't-come-out-of-suspend and requires a hard restart
> which, for me, is about every two or three days.
> Using the stylus is almost a necessity; you're not going to have much
> luck using your finger for anything other than the largest, most
> well-divided buttons. Even on the menus, you'll find yourself
> selecting the wrong entry over and over (fingernails are not much of
> an option for me. I'm a guitarist and keep them pretty short.) The
> dockable qwerty keyboard works moderately well for composing messages
> with the stylus, but the arrow keys don't work in the terminal, so be
> prepared to type commands over and over, as the bash/ash history is
> not accessible. The predictive text keyboard is mostly unusable due to
> the inability after a word or two to change keyboard types or erase
> characters.
> I don't use the alarm so I can't comment on the issues others have had
> with that module.
> MP3 playback is pointless as it stutters constantly.
> WEP wireless connections seem to only be available via command line. I
> can't connect via WEP by the GUI, so I just wrote a script to do it.
> Even that is weird, as I have to follow the following sequence to get
> that to work:
> iwconfig eth0 essid my_ap enc my_encryption_key;
> sleep 2;
> iwconfig eth0 essid any;
> sleep 2;
> udhcpd eth0;
> The first time I call the script it fails. so I control-C it, and run
> it again (the up arrow on the keyboard would be very handy here in the
> terminal.) The second time it works and gets an IP address, however it
> seems resolvconf is not updated (even though the DNS addresses are in
> resolv.conf) as I can't ping by DNS, only IP. Now, if i run it a third
> time it works like a charm. I don't know if this is something odd with
> my network and the card on the Neo, or what but my laptop connects
> fine with Ubuntu.
> These things of course have all been filed as bugs already AFAIK. If
> there are fixes for anything I've mentioned here, I'd love to apply
> them.
> I'm not sure if the phone is just grossly underpowered for what we are
> trying to do with it (MP3 playback) or if it's just that the software
> has  a loooong way to go before being usable as a day-to-day phone
> with some extra PDA features.
> So, in conclusion, I'd say there are a lot less expensive gadget
> phones out there that do more and will not result in your hair turning
> gray prematurely. The Neo is a wonderful idea, just not implemented
> very well I guess. The design is nice, it's case feels better in your
> hand than any other phone I've used. It's nice to have linux on my
> phone and be able to do all the things I'd do with my laptop or
> desktop, but without GPRS or 3G availability, it's kind of silly. If I
> have access to wireless APs, I'll have my laptop most likely, so why
> use the phone for that stuff? The display resolution is crisp and many
> people have commented to me on that. I like the phone, I just can't
> use it without a lot of finger digit acrobatics.
> </rambling>
> -Tom
> "Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
> time to pause and reflect." -- Mark Twain
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Alastair Johnson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Shawn "prjktdtnt" Thompson wrote:
>>> William Kenworthy wrote:
>>>> No, you are in the vast majority I think - those who can reliably make
>>>> phone and sms calls are in the minority - if they even exist.
>>>> BillK
>>> Those of use using reliably are minority but we do exist. Occasionally
>>> the phone will coma on me and require a hard restart (remove battery and
>>> reinsert) but this happens less than once a week in most cases.
>> For certain values of 'reliably' then ;-) That might pass for reliable
>> in the WinCE world, but not here.
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