On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 15:28 +0000, Valerio Valerio wrote:
> 2008/11/4 Cédric Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 16:08, Benedikt Bär <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         wrote:
>         > On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 15:48 +0100, Cédric Berger wrote:
>         >> Mine (working ok) was 23 sept.
>         > Hey Cédric,
>         >
>         > Do you still have that version around? Could you send it to
>         us?
>         > (please :P)
>         >
>         mmm... not sure were it can be...
>         But I now have flashed latest from
>         http://downloads.openmoko.org/daily/gta02v5_and_up-u-boot.bin
>         (it still shows 23 sept. on uboot menu)
>         It worked ok too... could boot at least twice.
>         ... but after playing a while, my phone shut off suddenly (I
>         had just
>         selected "select network automatically" for GSM, searching was
>         running...).
>         And now I cannot boot successfully anymore (sometimes it shuts
>         down
>         quite early during boot, sometimes just after android booting
>         screen).
>         Just like if there was not enough battery...
>         I was running connected to usb (but on windows, not
>         recognized, so
>         probably 100mA max).
>         Though booting into qtextended I can see that battery is about
>         50% ....
>         (and trying to boot without SIM gave same result now, shut
>         down soon
>         after android booting screen)
> The problem should be in the uSd card, some guys in the IRC
> successfully boot android with the default u-boot from may 08, and all
> only can do that with the usd card inserted.
> One of them have this partitions on a 4gb card:
> /dev/sdb1               1         245        7832    b  W95 FAT32
> /dev/sdb2             246      124880     3988320   83  Linux

Hmm... I do have a 2GB uSD card inserted, which should have about the
same layout, only with different sizes...


> Thanks to <KaZeR>.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Valério Valério
> http://www.valeriovalerio.org
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