On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 13:42 -0700, Angus Ainslie wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Benedikt Bär <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>         Now I get static noise in the headset, which I suppose is a
>         good thing
>         (tm) :), but still no sound. In a call, I've tried to change
>         alsamixer,
>         but to no avail.
> I haven't tried QtExtended but I'm assuming it's missing the PCM
> routing logic. Try either [1] or [2] they should route the sound
> properly.
> Angus
> [1]  http://handheldshell.com/bluetooth_pcm
> [2] http://handheldshell.com/BtHeadset.py 

Hi Angus!

After two hours of fiddling with Python (don't ask) it finally works
with [2]! Thank you very much!!!

So, your guess was right - Qt Extended doesn't yet route the Audio
properly. Just a note for everyone wanting to try this: Modify Angus'
script, to comment out the passkey connection if you have already paired
with QT Extended.

This is for Lorn from the QT team - is there any setting in a config
file to tell QT extended which alsa device to use for the bluetooth
handset? Does it work that way?


> -- 
> Angus Ainslie
> http://www.handheldshell.com/

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