On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 13:14, Tony Berth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I keep the cover off in order to avoid that!
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Peter Nijs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think you should be more concerned with the clips that hold the back
>> cover
>> on your phone. I only remove the cover (very carefully) when my phone
>> freezes).
>> It's also easier to find a new battery insted of finding a new back cover
>> for
>> the freerunner.

I already have one of the little clips broken (bottom ones)... I will
have to find a solution for when the second breaks...

About battery, not only 100mA is not enough to boot, but even with 1A
charger, it was stated that GSM module may require peak power up to
about 2A, so battery cannot really be always out.

About battery life, maybe the charge management code might also be
tuned to be even more clever... (for example, a mode were battery life
comes before charge speed).
It should be possible to easily force slow charge even if wall charger
is plugged in (1A is quite a lot for a battery).
And maybe could use something like "pulse charging"... (I do not know
what are -if any- the clever ways of charging this kind of battery)

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