please, always answer to the list.

> On Wednesday 26 November 2008 11:35:26 you wrote:
>> > FR# mdbus -s org.freedesktop.Gypsy /org/freedesktop/Gypsy
>> > says:
>> > [SIGNAL]    org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Satellite.SatellitesChanged(
>> > a(ubuuu):satellites )
>> that's no, what i meant.
>> the signal has to be declared in some .h file you are using -- what does
>> it look like?
> yes, if i "made" this signal. but its a Gypsy-signal which is part of
> FSOframework and comes over the dbus.
> so it isn't declared in my files...

anyway, you need to include some headers where the signal is declared

> I don't know where it is declared,
> maybe it is declared in the Gypsy source files but it is written in gtk  
> so it
> wouldn't help me much, i think, or does it?

that's deep water, my Qt is a bit rusty.
but i think, somewhere there should be the declaration you are trying to  

> I tried to find out which signal is sends via QSignalSpy, but even this  
> class
> needs to know the exact parameters of SatellitesChanged signal..
> is there a way to accept/connect the Signal without knowing the exact
> parameter?

none, that i know of.
please post your .h and .cpp -- that might help, to get a clue, where to  

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