Dale Maggee schrieb:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bastian Muck wrote:
>> Dale Maggee schrieb:
>> [..]
>>> 2. The Messaging app - it's doing strange things, like sometimes it
>>> creates duplicates of messages, so I'll see 2 or 3 copies of the same
>>> SMS in my inbox. So I'll move all messages to trash and empty trash,
>>> then a couple of minutes later an SMS will arrive and it'll say '17
>>> messages recieved' and I'll see many duplicates of old messages I just
>>> deleted in my inbox. Also it will only store about 130 messages - is
>>> this storing SMS messages on the SIM? can it be configured to store them
>>> in it's own database?
>> The messages are stored in the Sim and in the sqlite-db. When i delete
>> copies of my sms, these sms are not copied. The message '17' new
>> messages habe arrived is caused when 17 messages are stored in the sim.
>> when you delete the messages, next time there are just 1 or 2 messages.
>> I guess, that on an arrived sms the messages is forgotten to be deleted
>> from sim. Maybe that just 1 line of code may be the solution of the
>> problem. But I don't know the code, so I can't give a 100% correct
>> comment. This are just my expierences.
>>> [..]
>>> 4. I'm told that the echo is back (which wasn't there with Trolltech's
>>> QT extended image, the one which didn't ring)
>> There is just no echo, because the volume set in QT extended ist quite
>> low. with this volume I had no problem with any image.
>>> Does anybody have any ideas on any of these things? apart from this and
>>> the fact that I can't run any of the cool software being produced for
>>> 2008.x, I like Qt Extended alot!
>> You can't run these apps because QT Extended has no support for GTK-Apps.
>> Greetungs Bastian
> Thanks for your response, unfortunately it doesn't really help solve any
> of the problems i'm having.
> My friends are reporting that there *is* an echo, so telling me there's
> no echo doesn't really cut it... :)
> - -Dale
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When the Handsfree-option is actevated, I have a heavy echo, too. But
when Handset is activated, my settings are so low, that no echo is
hearable. But afaik it depends on signalstrength and provider. And I
nearly have good signal. For your problem: try to decrease mono-volume.
This helped me with 2008.x

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