2008/12/14 Robin Paulson <robin.paul...@gmail.com>:
>>> http://natha.nkinka.de/gtkdialog-0.7.9_0.1_armv4t.ipk
> ah, this is fantastic. i'm not too fussed about having gprs in fso,
> but having gtkdialog is great - very useful for quick GUIs for scripts
> thanks for putting this together. will you be maintaining it, i.e.
> packaging newer versions as they're released, or could om auto build
> it and put it in the repos? hint, hint

I didn't have any plans to maintain it.  Looking at the changelog it
doesn't appear that there has been any new work for about the past 2
years.  What I probably will do, though, is to rebuild the package
with better metadata.  It would definitely be better for this to be in
some official repository.  Tools like this and perhaps Zenity are
great for an environment like the Neo because they are easy tools to
create finger-friendly utilities without having to muck around with
any serious programming or toolchains, etc.


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