I also needed a bit time until i got it working together.

First problem was that speech-dispatcher doesn't start at boot because
it want to create /var/run/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher.pid wich
doesn't work at boot-time. Don't know why, because it works after i
booted up. So i start speech-dispatcher in a script just before i start
navit and end it after i quit navit.

Then i tried text2speech with "espeak" and "spd-say" and spd-say works a
bit better for me. First i tried in the console if text2speech was
working. After successful tests i had to edit the speech line in
navit.xml to [1].

Last problem was that navit doesn't speak german. But i just had to set
the LANG variable before starting navit and adding the "-l de" parameter
to spd-say.

And now it works together without problems. Only the speech output
sometimes stutter a bit because it needs quite much cpu.


[1] <speech type="cmdline" data="spd-say -l de '%s'" />

Dan Staley wrote:
> I'm also trying to set navit up in debian, however I am having trouble
> getting speech dispatcher to work as well as getting navit to talk to
> gpsd.  Did you do anything special to get those working?
> Thanks,
> -Dan Staley
> On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 19:27 -0500, Fox Mulder wrote:
>> Christian Anke wrote:
>>> Am Dienstag 16 Dezember 2008 12:37:38 schrieb Lothar Behrens:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I think I have figured out why navit sometimes seems to hang (except
>>>> it calculates big routes).
>>>> After killing my last navit session I have seen espeak still running,
>>>> but it did not say anithing :-)
>>>> Is this a known problem ?
>>>> I am currently using ASU 2008/8 with a timestamp at 16, Nov 2008.
>>>> Navit is the latest 0.1.0 release.
>>>> Lothar
>>>> -- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration | http://www.lollisoft.de
>>>> Lothar Behrens
>>>> Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
>>>> 73252 Lenningen
>>> Hi,
>>> do you use espeak with speech-dispatcher?
>>> and btw, did it speak german?
>> I use it with speech-dispatcher and navit speaks german. You just have
>> to set the language before starting navit (LANG variable).
>> Ciao,
>>      Rainer
>> PS: I only use it with debian.

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