At the local university electronics lab they have SMD soldering
equipment (scops, irons, etc...). I'm sure you could scout out some
grad students, and giving them the proper diagrams, parts, and
reimbursement to fix your freerunner.

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 10:51 AM, "Bernd (Jesus McCloud) PrĂ¼nster"
<> wrote:
> Paul schrieb:
>>> I just wanted to let you know that I have applied the Buzz fix to my 
>>> Freerunner
>>> revision A5 according to this [1] paper and indeed the buzz is completely
>>> gone. Including the echo fix my Neo converted from the coolest toy to the
>>> coolest _phone_ I've ever had.
>> Good for you. I had a look at the PDF and already know I am not going to
>> attempt that. I know what side of a soldering device to hold, and that's
>> where my knowledge ends...
>> ;-)
>> Paul
> Even if you had more knowledge: a decent smd soldering device can be
> nearly as expensive as the fr. That's why I dont own such a thing (had a
> cheap one-> broke down ->no warrenty ->me running around swearing -> me
> opening the case -> me finally smashing the whole thing with sledgehammer)
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