Hello Eldon and Olivier,

Eldon, I've been scratching my head on this very same issue.

On Sun, December 28, 2008 08:31, Olivier Berger wrote:
> Eldon Koyle <eko...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I just spent a while tracking down an issue with 2008.12 and
>> gsm0710muxd. I upgraded an FDOM image, so I'm not sure if anyone else
>> will see this problem, but just in case I thought I'd send this to the
>> list.
>> 2008.12 was starting xserver-nodm before gsm0710muxd, so the dbus call
>> added in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/89qtopia started a separate gsm0710muxd
>> process without any args before gsm0710muxd was started by init which
>> caused gsm0710muxd to fail to work.
>> A quick fix is to change xserver-nodm from S04 to S23 (gsm0710muxd is
>> 22) or so in /etc/rc5.d .

Hmm, a dirty fix, but something I will try out. I will let you know if it
succeeded. BTW, I'm using the stock 2008.12 image with Illume (ASU *very*

> Well... and would you mind to share with us the problem you're trying
> to solve ? It's far from obvious what this gsm0710muxd may be doing,
> and how it's missing ;)

Olivier, it would seem to me that the issue is the following:

xserver-nodm starts up before gsm0710muxd. The problem comes in that qpe
needs to connect to a device, which is supposed to be created by
gsm0710muxd. This is neccessary in order to multiplex gsm and gprs,
otherwise you have an either/or situation (better to have both voice and
gprs, at least it is for me! ;-) Now, qpe complains that it cannot find
the device as configured in the 89qtopia file, and then dies. This is true
even if you launch qpe with app-restarter like this:

/usr/bin/app-restarter "$QTOPIA_MESSAGE" qpe 2>&1 | logger &

Doing a dirty fix like Eldon suggested *might* help, I will try and
confirm this on my FR.

> Btw, did you file a ticket in the bug tracker ?

It seems to be a bit more complicated than simply filing a ticket, since
it is a strange situation to debug. To compound the issue, it would also
seem that gsm0710muxd might be the faulty link in the chain, since I could
not get it to work properly. Furthermore, I've been reading about random
hassles with gsm0710muxd on a few blogs here a there, where it is
reccommended to use the gsm0710muxd from the Angstrom repo instead of the
2008.x version. I found this to be a dicey route to follow, since
everything in Angstrom is newer than 2008.12, and you will end up having
to update just about the entire base due to dependencies. Ouch...

Maybe somebody else have experienced the same issue with gsm0710muxd in
2008.12? Please let us know. If we can get parity on actual version
numbers and replicate the problem between two or more people, we can then
file a bug with some proper debugging material for the OM guys to sink
their teeth into.

Speaking for myself, I would like to get this issue resolved so that I can
start using the FR gps properly (I'm mapping out my village for
Openstreetmap.org, and would like to upload saved tracks while I visually
track myself in the process).

Jan Henkins

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