El día Friday, January 02, 2009 a las 11:30:51AM +1100, Carsten Haitzler 

> > I've changed it this way (example):
> > 
> > key  75    0  30  30
> >   normal   á  aacute
> >   shift    Á  0x0c1
> >   capslock Á  0x0c1
> > 
> > i.e. used only 0x.. values for shift/caps; now a click on Á while
> > shift/caps is active, gives no char at all :-(
> > 
> > lo siento; without a correct syntax description of the file *.kdb all is
> > only guessing arround; where I can find the full syntax of the file?
> leave it in strings. look at the Numbers.kbd - it has numbers and accented
> chars - including acute/grave etc. versions. just leave it in quotes as a
> string and it will get mapped properly.

Hello Carsten,

First at all, thx for your tip, but ...

Numbers.kdb has no acute-chars:

r...@om-gta02:/usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/illume/keyboards# fgrep -i acute 

attached is my version of Spanish.kbd; it just does not work (after
Xserver restart) for the CAPS chars; the CAPS'ed chars give the same
small version of the chars; please be so kind and check it out
in your FR; thx in advance;

I have also checked putting the values in "", i.e. like "Aacute"; this
results in some kind of dictionary lookups;

thx for your help and time in advance;


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias.ap...@oclc.org> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/

SPAMer of the year: Subject: Alle Software ist Deutsche Sprachen
>From: -40 % die Neujahrsaktion <gabriellekel...@grungecafe.com>
kbd 450 190

# keyboard type
# an icon for the keyboard so you know which one you have
icon qwerty.png

# added by <g...@unixarea.de> for Spanish tilde chars
# $Id: Spanish.kbd,v 1.5 2009/01/02 06:05:28 guru Exp $

key  45    0  30  30
  normal   ¿  questiondown
key  75    0  30  30
  normal   á  aacute
  capslock    Á  Aacute
key 105    0  30  30
  normal   é  eacute
  capslock    É  Eacute
key 135    0  30  30
  normal   í  iacute
  capslock    Í  Iacute
key 165    0  30  30
  normal   ñ  ntilde
  capslock    Ñ  Ntilde
key 195    0  30  30
  normal   ó  oacute
  capslock    Ó  Oacute
key 225    0  30  30
  normal   ú  uacute
  capslock    Ú  Uacute
key 255    0  30  30
  normal   ü  udiaeresis
  capslock    Ü  Udiaeresis
key 285    0  30  30
  normal   ¡  exclamdown

key   0   30  30  30
  normal   ` grave
  shift    ~ asciitilde
  capslock ` grave
key  30   30  30  30
  normal   1 1
  shift    ! exclam
  capslock 1 1
key  60   30  30  30
  normal   2 2
  shift    @ at
  capslock 2 2
key  90   30  30  30
  normal   3 3
  shift    # numbersign
  capslock 3 3
key 120   30  30  30
  normal   4 4
  shift    $ dollar
  capslock 4 4
key 150   30  30  30
  normal   5 5
  shift    % percent
  capslock 5 5
key 180   30  30  30
  normal   6 6
  shift    ^ asciicircum
  capslock 6 6
key 210   30  30  30
  normal   7 7
  shift    & ampersand
  capslock 7 7
key 240   30  30  30
  normal   8 8
  shift    * asterisk
  capslock 8 8
key 270   30  30  30
  normal   9 9
  shift    ( parenleft
  capslock 9 9
key 300   30  30  30
  normal   0 0
  shift    ) parenright
  capslock 0 0
key 330   30  30  30
  normal   - minus
  shift    _ underscore
  capslock - minus
key 360   30  30  30
  normal   = equal
  shift    + plus
  capslock = equal
key 390   30  60  30
  normal   backspace.png BackSpace

key   0  60  45  30
  normal   tab.png Tab
  shift    tab.png ISO_Left_Tab
key  45  60  30  30
  normal   q q
  shift    Q Q
  capslock Q Q
key  75  60  30  30
  normal   w w
  shift    W W
  capslock W W
key 105  60  30  30
  normal   e e
  shift    E E
  capslock E E
key 135  60  30  30
  normal   r r
  shift    R R
  capslock R R
key 165  60  30  30
  normal   t t
  shift    T T
  capslock T T
key 195  60  30  30
  normal   y y
  shift    Y Y
  capslock Y Y
key 225  60  30  30
  normal   u u
  shift    U U
  capslock U U
key 255  60  30  30
  normal   i i
  shift    I I
  capslock I I
key 285  60  30  30
  normal   o o
  shift    O O
  capslock O O
key 315  60  30  30
  normal   p p
  shift    P P
  capslock P P
key 345  60  30  30
  normal   [ bracketleft
  shift    { braceleft
  capslock [ bracketleft
key 375  60  30  30
  normal   ] bracketright
  shift    } braceright
  capslock ] bracketright
key 405  60  45  30
  normal   \ backslash
  shift    | bar
  capslock \ backslash

key   0  90  60  30
  normal   caps
  capslock CAPS
key  60  90  30  30
  normal   a a
  shift    A A
  capslock A A
key  90  90  30  30
  normal   s s
  shift    S S
  capslock S S
key 120  90  30  30
  normal   d d
  shift    D D
  capslock D D
key 150  90  30  30
  normal   f f
  shift    F F
  capslock F F
key 180  90  30  30
  normal   g g
  shift    G G
  capslock G G
key 210  90  30  30
  normal   h h
  shift    H H
  capslock H H
key 240  90  30  30
  normal   j j
  shift    J J
  capslock J J
key 270  90  30  30
  normal   k k
  shift    K K
  capslock K K
key 300  90  30  30
  normal   l l
  shift    L L
  capslock L L
key 330  90  30  30
  normal   ; semicolon
  shift    : colon
  capslock ; semicolon
key 360  90  30  30
  normal   ' apostrophe
  shift    " quotedbl
  capslock ' apostrophe
key 390  90  60  30
  normal   enter.png Return

key   0  120  75  30
  normal   shift.png
key  75  120  30  30
  normal   z z
  shift    Z Z
  capslock Z Z
key 105  120  30  30
  normal   x x
  shift    X X
  capslock X X
key 135  120  30  30
  normal   c c
  shift    C C
  capslock C C
key 165  120  30  30
  normal   v v
  shift    V V
  capslock V V
key 195  120  30  30
  normal   b b
  shift    B B
  capslock B B
key 225  120  30  30
  normal   n n
  shift    N N
  capslock N N
key 255  120  30  30
  normal   m m
  shift    M M
  capslock M M
key 285  120  30  30
  normal   , comma
  shift    < less
  capslock , comma
key 315  120  30  30
  normal   . period
  shift    > greater
  capslock . period
key 345  120  30  30
  normal   / slash
  shift    ? question
  capslock / slash
key 375  120  30  30
  normal   ins Insert
key 405  120  35  30
  normal   del Delete

key   0 150  30  30
  normal   ctrl
key  30 150  30  30
  normal   alt
key  60 150 120  30
  normal   space space
key 180 150  30  30
  normal   left.png Left
key 210 150  30  30
  normal   right.png Right
key 240 150  30  30
  normal   up.png Up
key 270 150  30  30
  normal   down.png Down
key 300 150  30  30
  normal   pu Prior
key 330 150  30  30
  normal   pd Next
key 360 150  30  30
  normal   hm Home
key 390 150  30  30
  normal   en End
key 420 150  30  30
  normal   es Escape
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