Hello everyone.

I was thinking about a application that would kind of mash up semantic
tagging like semapedia (http://www.semapedia.org/) does for physical
objects with GPS based points of interest.
In some museums you can lend a audioguide which will provide acoustical
background information via narration on certain objects provided you
type in a number matching the object of interest.

Imagine having this combined with a database of small audio files (e.g.
narrations of wikipedia entries) that provide you with information on
your physical location. This could (provided you have a internet
connection) inform you about interesting information on points of
interest when you reach them. I would love to see something like this on
a GPS enabled smartphone like the Freerunner.

Does a similar project already exist ?
I am no developer, so I would probably not be able to come up with code
for this, but I got background on software design and quality assurance
that I could offer if others are  interested in this idea.

Thanks for your feedback...


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