a (hopefully not only for me) working qwerty button and 
WRENCH!!!11oneoneoneeleven in asu theme.

i noticed something different between illume theme and asu theme: the 
first line:
all the config dialogs are defined in "theme.edc".
i copied the dialog section from theme.edc into asu.edc and removed the 
pngs and replaced them with our beloved black rectangle.
it works for me, but i hope it works for you too.

first purge e's cache, (then backup your themes and your config files) 
and put the files from the folder within the archive into 
/usr/share/enlightenment/data (if not using illume theme edit 
/etc/enlightenment/default_profile to use the illume theme)

downloadable here: http://jmccloud.jm.funpic.de/asu/asu_illume.zip

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