On Wed, January 28, 2009 16:08, arne anka wrote:
>> Obfuscating email addresses on the web archive is, IMO, no substitute
>> for sensible policies (greylisting, RBL, SFF?) at your incoming mail
>> server.
> not as such. but i think it is  a necessary part.

>From a mail server perspective I have to agree, if you do not have
greylisting. SPF and some form of RBL service activated, you are courting
disaster. Obfuscating mail addresses in web archives is a seperate issue,
but just as important. But like it was said, it does not substitute or
replace sensible email policies, but it keeps the bad guys from harvesting
active e-mail addresses.

Both these things are not difficult to set up, and I would urge Openmoko
to act while the issue is still in discussion.

Jan Henkins

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