Brenda Wang <> writes:
> Xglamo with acceleration making good progress to get glamo
> acceleration working within Xorg


What the hell does it suppose to mean?

Why did you write nothing about the real progress? About what
works and what doesn't and how to compile the driver?

Is driver a community project or does OM pay the developer (and
you even haven't mentioned his name!)? Who and when is going to
implement xrandr support? And X server is an important part of every
distribution, don't forget about it.

No single word from OM about the X work for months. Are you going to
continue this tradition?

There's no single word about kernel work as well. Are you sure nothing
happened in these days?

I think if you prepare these "Community updates" you're supposed to
follow the developement and mention all the really important stuff.

And to those who will say that i should have edited the draft myself
on the wiki, i say that i'm not the wiki editor, i'm not the OM
employee and i don't know many details that are important
anyway. Moreover, i don't like (and can't do it well anyway) editing
text. OM has a dedicated editor, i suppose it's reasonable and fair
enough to expect this work is done by him.

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