Am Monday 09 February 2009 10:57:45 schrieb arne anka:
> > So, installed xserver-xorg-input-tslib 0.0.5-1+fso1 as linked on the
> > wiki [1],
> > added the option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and fired a
> > $ /etc/init.d/nodm restart
> > But still I get no right click action.

Oh, just noticed the link to the wiki page was missing....

> tslib works with Xglamo only.
> with a regular installation you are using fb -- use libgtkstylus. i don't
> have the exact name handy right now, but the archives should turn up
> several hits.

The wiki says it's the other way round. Anyway I tried both and they didn't 

Is there a way to find out *why* it's not working? Atm I just try and fail, 
this is not too productive... :D

> > The cursor is flickering round a few pixels (more or less) around the
> > location I'm clicking, does that prevent
> > xorg from recognizing a "true" right click (too much movement over time)?
> no. the flickering is normal.

I experienced that before, but was just wondering if it's just too much to 
work. Okay.

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