
This is to announce the first release of Enscribi, a new handwriting
recognition input method I've been working on. The main focus, and the
only thing supported for now, is writing Japanese and Chinese
characters (and numbers, but numbers only won't get you far...). It
uses the excellent Zinnia recognition engine for the actual
recognition. If anyone is interested, please take a look.

There's a project page at http://olofsj.github.com/enscribi/ with
screenshots and some more information.

There are packages on opkg.org for trying it out (only tested on FSO
milestone 5). The following packages are available:
http://www.opkg.org/package_133.html    Enscribi
http://www.opkg.org/package_130.html    Zinnia (required dependency)
http://www.opkg.org/package_131.html    Zinnia-tomoe-ja (for Japanese support)
http://www.opkg.org/package_132.html    Zinnia-tomoe-zh (for Chinese support)

Also, you need a Japanese or Chinese font to see the characters
(should be available in the usual repos).

The code is hosted on Github at http://github.com/olofsj/enscribi/tree/master

Best regards,

Olof Sjöbergh

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