I decided to look around a bit more, and found that gvncviewer does what
you want. I just installed it (from apt-get) and it works! Slowly. I'm
not sure why it is so slow.

There are probably other vnc viewers that scale... I hear that krdc
will, but you have the KDE overhead to contend with.


On 2009., kimaidou wrote:
| thanks for the answser. I am not particularly looking for some client side
| scaling, just for scaling. I if x11vnc can, it is ok for me ! I will look at
| the man, and post back here.
| thanks for your answer !
| 2009/2/22 Brock <awwa...@thelackthereof.org>
| > fbvnc is for the framebuffer, not to be run inside of X11 I'm afraid.
| >
| > x11vnc does have a server-side scaling option you could look into.
| > Otherwise I don't know of any clients that do client-side scaling like
| > you want.
| >
| > --Brock
| >
| > On 2009., kimaidou wrote:
| > | Hi list,
| > |
| > | I am running hackable1, and I would like to control my laptop from my
| > | freerunner. To do so, I can use vncviewer on the freerunner and load a
| > | vncserver as x11vnc on my laptop. But I need a client running of the
| > | freerunner which can scale the server images it get.  Now, I can see only
| > a
| > | quarter of my laptop screen.
| > |
| > | I found only one package to do so, which is called fbvnc
| > | http://pocketworkstation.org/fbvnc.html
| > | I have find the way to install it on my hackable, though there is a
| > binary
| > | file for arm :
| > | http://www.pocketworkstation.org/files/
| > |
| > | I downloaded the 
| > | untar it, but then I don't know what to do. Could someone help me please?
| > |
| > | Thanks in advance
| > |
| > | Kimaidou
| >
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