On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 13:03:56 +0100
Johny Tenfinger <seba.d...@gmail.com> (JT) wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:58, Petr Vanek <van...@penguin.cz> wrote:
>> what is the advantage of using org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage rather then
>> org.freesmartphone.ousaged ? We loose fso - shr compability plus this
>> week ophonekitd seems to crash a lot more often then usual...
>You shouldn't set resource policy to enabled or disabled manually -
>what will happen, when another app will request that resource too?

I don't know what would happen, but i think that any app can request a
resource before another... especially in the case of display or cpu,
or? (run navigation and then music player)

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ousaged /org/freesmartphone/Usage
org.freesmartphone.Usage.SetResourcePolicy Display enabled

org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage /org/shr/ophonekitd/Usage
org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage.RequestResource Display

For example the above gives no problems to get the resource.

but by simply running the bellow twice i get the ophonekitd to crash:

mdbus -s org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage /org/shr/ophonekitd/Usage
org.shr.ophonekitd.Usage.RequestResource Display

Petr Vaněk

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