
I just tried  2.6.29-rc3 installed on the sd card, wth Franky's Qt extended 
improved script.  Seemed ok, except on resume got a WSOD, which I have not 
had on the QT extended I usually use.  Any suggestions as to why it would 
come back?  Any major problems with running qt extended on the sd card?  I 
did edit the fstab so it was correct for the SD card.


On Sunday 12 April 2009, Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> Just in time for the holidays ...
> (install instructions and script updated on 2090410: see below)
> New progress/bugs:
> All Ok:
> - 20090401: 2.6.28 ok (even 2.6.29-rc2 ok)
> - 20090401: alarms (using atd from
>   http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/unstable/armv4t/base/, since no
>   newer package exists), normal + when suspended
> - 20090401: wake up when receiving sms
> - 20090401: call + echo check
> - 20090401: missed call bug
> - 20090401: duplicate sms thing: solved
> - 20090401: mail ok
> - 20090401: wifi ok
> - 20090403: voice notes (see my mail/patch) ok
> - 20090404: usb cable handling: ok (mailed a patch to Filip, I hope he
>   integrates all the 2.6.28 patches and commits them)
> - 20090404: bluetooth ok (need to downgrade to bluez3 and not use
>   bluez4, install script updated accordingly)
> - 20090410: voicemail number is now saved across reboots (see
> http://trac.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved/ticket/15)
> - 20090410: snooze function works correctly now for repetitive alarms
>   (see http://trac.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved/ticket/27)
> - 20090412: wlan no longer always "online" after unsuspend. I don't
>   know if this saves power or not though ...
> - 20090412: SMS's are deleted from SIM after being read (see
> http://trac.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved/ticket/29). THIS NEEDS
> Problems (more like small nuisances now):
> - if you set the time back to something in the past, the clock service
>   crashes and you need to restart qtextended if you want to use the
>   clock again
> - second call incoming needs to be checked if working ok
> - bluetooth is not working totally ok, only after initial boot it
>   works, not after suspend/resume. Seems to be kernel/bluez3 version
>   combo issue ... After suspend/resume bluetooth seems to work, but
>   receiving files for sure don't.
> - if you try to delete the "Wireless Lan", the system crashes ... cool
>   huh, a crashed phone? So for now: don't do it :-)
> - there's a race condition with the timers for the alarm when
>   vibrating. Sometimes this results in the alarm being dismissed but
>   the phone keeps vibrating. Solution for now: set an alarm a minute
>   after it, and that will stop the vibrating.
> Install instructions:
> =====================
> download the script
> http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/openmoko_install.sh , read the comments
> at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
> flashed the device and made sure internet works).
> For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
> the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:
> http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/qte_20090412.tgz
> Enjoy!
> Franky
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