ivvmm <unachieva...@gmail.com> writes:

> Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch 22 April 2009 11:08:40 schrieb ivvmm:
>>> Klaus Fürth wrote:
>>>> Does locking works for you? I get a message "No PAM support was built
>>>> into Enlightment desk, locking is disabled". Any way to change this?
>>> It seems that locking is not possible in SHR for now.
>> It is! The full lock needs PAM and was never possible. The working lock is 
>> the 
>> desktop simple lock.
>> Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann
> I could only find a Lock in wrench key bindings and nothing else that
> could be called a simple desktop lock. Or was I just inattentive?

I also see "Desktop simple lock" two items below "Lock".

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