On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 20:24 +0200, Rask Ingemann Lambertsen wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 05:58:52AM +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 08:53 -0700, jeremy jozwik wrote:
> > > i use it all the time for editing the los angeles area. works great!
> > > it can get a bit noisy when walking though
> > 
> > Yes, if you use GoogleMap. I just "walking into a river" :(
> > 
> > But I didn't analysis the data yet. But how can I walk into the
> > river??? :)
>    I believe it's what they call an urban canyon. When you have something
> tall - usually a building - which reflects the GPS signals on one side of
> you, you will appear to be in a different position than where you really
> are. Whatch your HDOP values - it's the third of the slash separated values
> shown by TangoGPS on the main screen. If it's as much as 4.5, the position
> shown can easily be 30 - 40 m off.

Thanks for the info. Very great to know more about GPS, not just track
where you have been, also how to use GPS accurately. :)

Daniel.Li <lida_m...@163.com>
PALFocus (http://palfocus.oicp.net)

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