Hi Folks

Has anyone else noticed that Om2009 does not suspend anymore after
recieving a call? I think this only happens if it wakes from suspend
in the first place.

Log attached..


2009.05.12 13:36:10.203 oeventsd.trigger     DEBUG    trigger on InputTrigger 
if And(switch == POWER,event == released,duration == 
0,~(CallListContains(active)),~(CallListContains(incoming))) then Suspend(())
2009.05.12 13:36:10.214 oeventsd.action      INFO     call dbus method 
/org/freesmartphone/Usage Suspend(())
2009.05.12 13:36:10.229 oeventsd.action      DEBUG    method called...
2009.05.12 13:36:10.238 oeventsd.fso_triggers DEBUG    InputTrigger triggered
2009.05.12 13:36:10.246 oeventsd.trigger     DEBUG    trigger InputTrigger
2009.05.12 13:36:10.257 oeventsd.fso_triggers DEBUG    InputTrigger triggered
2009.05.12 13:36:10.265 oeventsd.trigger     DEBUG    trigger InputTrigger
2009.05.12 13:36:10.275 oeventsd.fso_triggers DEBUG    InputTrigger triggered
2009.05.12 13:36:10.283 oeventsd.trigger     DEBUG    trigger InputTrigger
2009.05.12 13:36:10.314 ousaged              INFO     suspending all 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.321 ousaged              DEBUG    suspending WiFi
2009.05.12 13:36:10.381 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no elements in queue: 
starting idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.390 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.399 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no more elements: 
stopping idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.406 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.415 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    got an element from the 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.423 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    processing command 
'suspend' for resource '<odeviced.powercontrol_neo.NeoWifiPowerControl at 
/org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/WiFi at 0x6ab350>' (present 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.440 ousaged              DEBUG    suspending Display
2009.05.12 13:36:10.515 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no elements in queue: 
starting idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.526 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.535 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    got an element from the 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.543 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    processing command 
'suspend' for resource '<odeviced.idlenotifier.DisplayResource at 
/org/freesmartphone/Device/Display at 0x7a5470>' (present status=suspended)
2009.05.12 13:36:10.551 frameworkd.resource  INFO     setting resource status 
for Display from suspended to suspending
2009.05.12 13:36:10.559 frameworkd.resource  INFO     setting resource status 
for Display from suspending to suspended
2009.05.12 13:36:10.567 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    (ok) done processing 
command 'suspend' for resource '<odeviced.idlenotifier.DisplayResource at 
/org/freesmartphone/Device/Display at 0x7a5470>' (new status=suspended); 
triggering next command
2009.05.12 13:36:10.584 ousaged              DEBUG    suspending Bluetooth
2009.05.12 13:36:10.648 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no elements in queue: 
starting idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.658 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.667 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    got an element from the 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.675 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    processing command 
'suspend' for resource '<odeviced.powercontrol_neo.NeoBluetoothPowerControl at 
/org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/Bluetooth at 0x6ab1b0>' (present 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.713 ousaged              DEBUG    suspending TEST
2009.05.12 13:36:10.775 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no elements in queue: 
starting idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.784 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.793 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    got an element from the 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.801 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    processing command 
'suspend' for resource '<testing.testing.Resource at 
/org/freesmartphone/Testing at 0x587330>' (present status=disabled)
2009.05.12 13:36:10.818 ousaged              DEBUG    suspending GSM
2009.05.12 13:36:10.879 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    no elements in queue: 
starting idle task.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.888 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    _processElement()
2009.05.12 13:36:10.898 mppl.asyncworker     DEBUG    got an element from the 
2009.05.12 13:36:10.905 frameworkd.resource  DEBUG    processing command 
'suspend' for resource '<ogsmd.device.Device at /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device 
at 0x290f90>' (present status=suspending)
2009.05.12 13:36:10.914 frameworkd.resource  INFO     setting resource status 
for GSM from suspending to suspending
2009.05.12 13:36:10.925 ogsmd.modem.abstract DEBUG    prepareForSuspend ACK 
from channel <MiscChannel via /dev/pts/0> received
2009.05.12 13:36:10.933 ogsmd                DEBUG    TI Calypso specific 
resume handling... killing reenable-unsolicited-timer.
2009.05.12 13:36:10.973 ogsmd.modem.abstract DEBUG    prepareForSuspend ACK 
from channel <CallChannel via /dev/pts/2> received
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