dates works great for me. provided you switch to the GTK theme so you
can see the zoom button. i gave up on gpe a few hours after installing

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Laura Vance <> wrote:
> I've waited to ask about this problem to see if anyone else has
> experienced it.
> I use gpe-calendar as my calendar software (tried "dates" but didn't
> like it).  Every once in a while, when gpe-calendar is the visible app,
> the touch screen stops working.  I can connect my FreeRunner to a
> computer, SSH in, and kill gpe-calendar to get my touchscreen back, but
> when I'm not near a computer that has the proper drivers installed, I
> have to reboot my phone by holding the power button down until the
> FreeRunner just shuts down.
> Has this happened to anyone else?  Is there a workaround that I just
> haven't found yet?  Is there a better calendar/reminder app that I
> haven't found yet?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Laura
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