> So far, I didn't really care much for the different keyboards, but if I
> can have a wish, I'd like response times like the current keyboard in
> Paroli gives (ie, it immediately gives results as fast as I can type),
> not as sluggish with 1-2 second pauses between key presses, like in
> Om2008.12, but something that gives me easy ways to type all
> "characters" that I'd like to have, which is *full* Unicode (or close:
> Latin9 and Chinese at least). On my desktop computer, I use scim for
> this purpose, and for other languages as well. Otherwise, I'd like to
> be able to zoom and shrink the keyboard. The idea of scrolling between
> different layouts, like in Om2008.12, is interesting and not too bad,
> but it's naturally impossible to accommodate all foreign language
> characters this way and still have a usable keyboard.

UTF8 should be properly supported in the next testing release. I believe there 
are a few different keyboard layouts in the wiki.

> Reading that wishes are not encouraged at this time, I'd probably
> better not hold my breath, though.

That has changed a bit. We are now encouraging the community to create a wish 
list. What we also need the community to do is implement the wish list.


There are some core features that OM is going to implement and then we will 
integrate working solutions built by the community.


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