On Thu, 28 May 2009 10:43:51 pm Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:

> Thanks, seems to have many bugs (half my contacts won't load), but I'll
> hack it away blindly until it works :)

It assumes that all the contacts you want to load have phone numbers that are 
formatted as:


Unfortunately my vcard info exported from Qt Extended had a lot of numbers 
that were like this:


which it ignores when it gets an exception.

The simplest fix for me was to do a search/replace of all the second form to 
the first form in the vcard file. ;-)

It's also worth knowing that it picks out the second part of TEL;HOME;VOICE to 
append to the persons name to distinguish their multiple numbers, so I found 
that doing both TEL;VOICE;HOME and TEL;VOICE;WORK wasn't a bright idea, 
TEL;HOME;VOICE and TEL;WORK;VOICE ends up working much better.. ;-)

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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