
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:41 AM, giacomo "giotti"
mariani<giacomomari...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to thank again all developers of QtExtended  for your
> excellent work.
> I've some questions for you:
> -is there any "return key" on the Leonardo's keyboard (I'm not able to
> find it by myself)?


> -why, in that keyboard, there are 2 "u" keys?

a typo from Leonardo :-)

> -which is, now, the right name for the distribution? QtExtendedImproved
> or QtMoko or another one or both?


> -I can't remember how to switch between predictive and not predictive
> keyboards, would you please suggest it again?

slide diagonally, but whether it is left-down to right-up or the other
way around, I don't remember right now. Also for now, there's no
visual feedback.
And more: my install script removes the dictionaries (I think), so no
prediction if those are removed of course ...

> -is it possible, using Qmplayer in normal mode (i.e. non in full
> screen), to have the video centered instead of in the up-left corner?

Radek can answer this one.


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