2009/6/13 Mikhail Umorin <mike...@gmail.com>:
> Here
> (http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Getting_Started_with_your_Neo_FreeRunner#Update_with_the_package_manager)
> I read that need to point my reps to unofficial User reps, but, in User reps
> (http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Users_Repositories) it says "Angstrom is the
> base distribution of Openmoko Linux distribution." So, I assumed that Angstrom
> is the one that should replace defunct http://buildhost.openmoko.org/
> So, where are the stable repositories and how to set them up?

yes, it is built on angstrom, but there have been some subtle and very
important changes made by om, which are not compatible with angstrom
anymore. it's a fork. so, just as one should beware installing
packages built for debian onto ubuntu, the user should also be careful
putting angstrom stuff on om2009. some will work, some won't

i think there were some temporary problems with the om build process,
and it will be fixed in a few days, meanwhile everything is offline to
stop people breaking their installs of om2009

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