KaZeR schrieb:
> Marcel-2 wrote:
>> Am Freitag, 3. Juli 2009 01:40:08 schrieb Morten:
>>> I agree, there's so many tricks that you just can't know them all by
>>> yourself. They should be written down (or made the default)
>> Maybe making up some kind of a "useful hints" page would be good, where 
>> every hint has tags for the distros it works with...?
> Actually this tip is alredy listed (just noticed, after discovering it here,
> and thanks btw). :
> http://trac.shr-project.org/trac/wiki/Tweaks
i made a fast theme package for shr. speed-up is quite noticable.. 
install instructions and screenies here: http://jmccloud.jm.funpic.de/?p=54
(yes i want to spread the theme, becaus the more testers i have the 
faster i can iron out bugs which may still me there)

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