On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Dan Staley <daniel.l.sta...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hmmm...upon further testing I did notice a couple of other things that may
> be specific to my headset.
> Occasionally the key presses from my headset stop being picked up by
> intone....it looks like they are being sent to the phone because the screen
> will turn on, but intone doesn't respond.  But then after a song change it
> sometimes comes back.  Could it be related to the name of the song?  I'll
> try to remember to write down the name of any of the songs that the buttons
> stop working on in the future...
> This may be my headset...but it seems like sometimes after a couple of the
> "blips" in the sound the song seems slightly distorted....like some of the
> instruments suddenly sound flat...  Not sure what is causing this....has
> anyone else experienced it?
> Overall still certainly very usable though!
> Thanks again for the great program!
> -Dan Staley

Ditto on #1 there. Sometimes buttons stop working, though screen unblanks
when I hit them.
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