Vincent MEURISSE schrieb:
> On Wednesday 12 August 2009 10:09:51 am Christian Reitwießner wrote:
>> So the bottom line is: I don't know if the size can be reduced
>> significantly. For Evopedia 2.0 I do the dumps myself (mainly because
>> those on are more than a year old), but it takes
>> really long
> Why not use dump DB from <> ?
> The last dump for  English version is 5GB but you will probably need to add 
> an 
> index to have the file usable.

Sure, I have thought about that. But then the pages need to be rendered
on the Freerunner. It would be great if we could have some small
standalone Mediawiki renderer. I have had a look at mwlib [1], but it
needs some additional libraries and it's not really clear which parts of
mwlib are needed. If someone could compile mwlib for the Freerunner I
would be really happy.


Kind regards,

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