On Thu, 2009-08-13 14:59:13 Paul Fertser wrote:
> "arne anka" <openm...@ginguppin.de> writes:
> >> Keeping the module loaded and just request/release it via FSO (I have a
> >> little
> >> GUI for this) should be pretty safe?
> >
> > according to
> >
> > "You just kill fsoraw or wpa_supplicant and the wifi module gets
> > unpowered and the driver unloaded. This works automatically and every
> > time. That way even if the firmware was crashed it will be reloaded
> > without any additional actions from you side. Also by using it the way
> > i propose you do not trigger ifconfig up/down bug."
> >
> > the module should get unloaded when not used anymore.
> Sorry, i wasn't precise enough. In fact the module is not unloaded but
> is bound/unbound. The effect is the same, according to Werner.

FYI: http://lwn.net/Articles/143397/

> >> I just have to avoid suspend though.
> Are you sure? For me suspend didn't harm wifi usage.

Had not tried it in a while - but it worked once now :) - so I will not 
release WiFi before my next suspends and see what happens.
Thanks for this hint.

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