On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 03:51:59PM +0400, Paul Fertser wrote:
> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen <ccc94...@vip.cybercity.dk> writes:
> >
> > 1) Find somewhere to buy a 10 uF SMD capacitor small enough. E.g. there's
> > nowhere in Denmark I can get one. I'd need to go abroad (Malmö, Sweden)[1]
> > for a shop that sells a 0805 16 V one to hobbyists or, as I'll do in this
> > case, buy 20 0805 22 uF ones from Digikey, of which 18 will be used
> > for the bass fix, one for #1024 and one for fun and games[2].
> I admit it's easier to source the cap being in Moscow, here you just
> go to a shop and buy as many as you need. But even if one can't go to
> a shop himself he can ask a buddy to get the caps and send by snail
> mail. I can't see how it's can make a real problem.

   This means you need to find a buddy who can get the caps. I think it's
just a lot easier to find components in your part of the world. For example,
while looking for a VS6724Q0FB camera module, I've come across no less than
four russian webshops[1] that seem to offer it. In contrast, the only three
places that turn up in Europe are distributors that only sell to businesses
and organisations[2].

[1] http://www.radel.ru/items_128989.htm
[2] http://www.eurotech.co.uk/components/1523.html

> > 2) Disassemble the Neo not doing any damage.
> Trivial, wiki instructions are very clear, and plastic clips are
> durable enough. I did it the day i bought my FR without fear or
> issues.

   No, you need to apply a lot more force than I'm comfortable with for a
device that I want to keep in a usable condition. As it turns out, it works
out fine, but that's not obvious from the beginning. But yes, maybe we just
need to make a video of someone doing it. For example, I would be most
interested in seeing Jörg Reisenweber's one-hand trick with the PCB.

> > 5) Put the can back on in a reasonably good shape.
> > 6) Assemble the Neo.
> Both are non-issues for any man who's not disabled.

   I withdraw 5) and 6). If you've gone so far as to take the Neo apart in
the first place, reassembling it will be a non-issue.

> Having seen so many cool hardware projects/tricks/hacking devices/DIY
> mods from European folks i really doubt it's that hard to find a guy
> who can solder modern components somewhere nearby. Aren't there any
> projects in universities that require soldering? So there're people
> who know how to do it.

   I, for one, wouldn't really know where to look if I couldn't solder

> Sometimes i'm told i'm leaving in a parallel universe. Well, that's
> quite possible indeed.

   And a much better universe too. Where did you find that wormhole? :-)

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
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