On 8/16/09, arne anka <openm...@ginguppin.de> wrote:
>> For letting Calls domain to work, add:
>> calls_default_backend = SQLite-Calls
> where does that come from? neither the framework.conf nor the docs show
> that.

>> BTW. You should upgrade your configs when you are upgrading
>> applications
> what exactly are you refering to? such a general remark is less than
> helpful.
> i use debian and the package does not include anything useful in that
> respect (docs or at least sensible commented example configs).
> i won't update a known good configuration to another one with no
> documentation whatsoever and options with cryptic names and values (if
> there are possible values listed at all).
> due to the lack of documentation it took me a while to figure out, how to
> use fsousaged -- and as long as a new config file does not list obvious
> changes, i am reluctant, to "update".

I don't get you. IRC is always available, it was mentioned LOTS of
time on maillists and tracs.

> after all, the meaning of a config file is to be customized, w/o proper
> explanations and comments it is hard to transfer that kind of
> customizations to new versions -- using the old config will probably spawn
> less errors than trial&error or plain shooting in the dark.

That's wrong point. Having new packages with old config can spawn more
errors and issues in this stage of development.

opimd isn't officially included in ms5.5 (it's disabled by default)
and it's normal that in it's actual stage well written docs aren't
available. The good thing is person who was developing it for long
time is available on maillist and on IRC, and answers to questions :P

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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