Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> On 8/17/09, Chris Samuel <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 10:42:06 pm c_c wrote:
>>> An how do I obtain this? I'm looking at showing this info on launcher's
>>> homescreen.
>> Qtopia/QTEI/QtMoko can extract that info, so a look at the source for that
>> should give away how it's done.
>> FWIW I don't think Android can display it yet either. ;-)

The D-Bus service I am working on, which uses the openBmap data, will 
provide a locality name for the cell you are asking location. I know, if 
the cell gives it to you, why bother ;-) On the other side, this may be 
of interest for obm, to log this together with the GSM data. This would 
save some Web calls to reverse geocoding API...


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