2009/8/19 Michael Pilgermann <kichka...@gmx.de>:
> We used standard GTK Filedialog for this ... I am trying to think of any 
> solution (with no need to touch GTK code ;)) ...
> To be honest - I can't bring up any good ... for the mean time, you could 
> simply "hard code" the path of the vcf file in your config file 
> (/home/root/.pisi/conf: instead of @interactive@) ...

right, i can do that no problem. i wasn't actually sure what an
interactive vcf file was...now i realise interactive refers to the
method of using it, not the file itself. ah, the joys of the english
language and it's many ambiguities

> I don't even know, whether there are any efforts for fitting GTK on mobile 
> devices - anybody else here with some input??

i could only suggest re-writing it in e, but that's a huge amount of
work that probably justifiably, you're not keen to do

oh, excellent software by the way. cheers for the effort

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