hey all,

As I (and others) mentioned in the recent OM2009 thread - One of the great
advantages of SHR is that it is being developed so quickly.  However, I'd
also say that one of the great *DIS*advantages of SHR is that it's being
developed so quickly that it's often not very stable, and the 'testing'
build is woefully out of date.

I don't have very much spare time in my life right now, so I unfortunately
can't take it on myself, but I think it'd be very beneficial if someone was
willing to step up and take charge of getting shr-testing updated
periodically, and maybe even releasing an shr-stable that has at least some
of the snazzy stuff from shr-u in it.

I can help with stability testing, and maybe a bit of documentation, but I
can't go much beyond that...

Anyone else willing and able to take this on?


Warren Baird - Photographer and Digital Artist
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